Monday, November 1, 2010

Count (Coach) Chris-ula can't scare Leafs to Victory over Ducks

"I will suck their blood if I have to!"

In a hard fought battle, the PW Maple Leafs skated to a 1-1 tie against the Ducks 1 squad. The new and improved (and surprisingly spooky) confines of Paramount Iceland set the stage, as shown by these photos. Security pretty much let anyone in, as you will see!

Is it just me or is that a full moon??

 The full moon is now following this dude with the Leafs glove muffs--WEIRD!

The Leafs battled hard in the first, and after failing to convert a 2 man advantage, Sean let the Ducks know this was going to be a hard hitting game, from start to finish! At least one local fan loved this play--come to think of it, my ears were flapping as well!

Shots for the game were 19-18 in favor of the Ducks, as we were on our heels a bit in the third, but overall the game was well played defensively. We could not cash in during the power play in the first, which was our best chance to take control of the game.

Coaches Chris and Kevin will have the boys ready for the game next week, same time against the Ducks 2 team. Work hard this week, and we will come out on top!

We miss you Coach Petr--hope you are having a great time!

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